Guerrilla Marketing Ideas: 30 Examples That Grabbed Eyeballs

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

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In today’s hyper-connected world, consumers are constantly barraged by marketing messages. Innovative brands are turning to guerrilla marketing tactics to break through the noise – unexpected promotional actions purposefully designed to garner attention.

Unlike traditional advertising which people are adept at ignoring, guerrilla marketing creates intrigue and buzz by transforming public spaces into micro-campaigns. When executed skillfully, these low-cost stunts generate a disproportionate impact.

Rather than broadcasting generic sales pitches, guerrilla marketers hijack real-world scenarios to infiltrate daily life in a humorous or thought-provoking manner. The unexpected nature of these hyper-localized campaigns makes them inherently shareable in an online world where 80% of consumers consult peer opinions.

In this post, we’ll explore 30 guerrilla marketing ideas from brands that sparked real cultural conversation through guerrilla promotions. From social messages to encouraging audiences to actively participate in online campaigns, these case studies illuminate guerrilla marketing’s potential as a disruptive tool for any size business.

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

Let us dive into the list of 30 Guerrilla Marketing Ideas:

1. Huawei Arm twisting Apple

In September 2018, Huawei conducted a cheeky promotion outside an Apple store launch in Singapore. They secretly handed out free branded power banks to customers in line for the new iPhone 11.


The power banks were labeled “You’ll need it” – a mocking dig at the iPhone 11’s smaller 3,110mAh battery compared to Huawei’s 4,000mAh battery in its P20 Pro phone.

By stealthily targeting Apple fan queues, Huawei got laughs and social media buzz through this lighthearted jab. It was an effective guerrilla approach, highlighting a perceived competitor’s weakness directly to their audience through a simple, shareable stunt.

2. Don’t Drink And Drive: Message Conveyed Effectively by OLA

During the new year season of 2017, ride-hailing company Ola came up with a unique social media strategy to spread an important safety message.


They took over Ola’s official Twitter account and posted a series of funny, drunken-style tweets tagging other major brands like Zomato, Netflix, etc. This confused people who thought the account was hacked.

After building intrigue, Ola then revealed their aim – to caution about the dangers of drink-driving during celebrations. They reminded folks to opt for safe transport options like Ola cabs instead.

Ola further partnered with the popular YouTube network AIB, known for humor-laced public interest videos. AIB created a catchy New Year song video reiterating Ola’s message against drunk driving.

Also Read: Low-Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas for Early-Stage Startups

3. Jumbo Muffins Always in a Bloom

To promote the launch of its new Jumbo Muffins, U.S. grocery chain Bloom Supermarket devised an elaborate billboard stunt in North Carolina. They parked a “Car for Sale” underneath a massive billboard showcasing their oversized muffins. A week later, they altered the billboard to make it appear as if one of the giant muffins had fallen off the sign, humorously crushing the car below.

guerrilla marketing ideas

This visual of an enormous muffin destroying a vehicle captured public attention and communicated the scale of the new product’s size. Bloom removed the muffin prop and sent it on a promotional tour of its grocery locations for photo opportunities with customers. The hands-on experience and shareable social media moments extended the campaign’s visibility beyond the roadside billboard.

4. Air France Launching Business Class in Asia

Air France created mobile games and provided tabs to the passengers entering the waiting lounges outside the boarding gates. The passengers had to participate instantly and the winners were given a free Business class upgrade on their economy class tickets.

5. Coca-Cola Happiness Machine

In 2015, in this video campaign by Coca-Cola, they transformed one of their typical drink vending machines located on a college campus. Unknown to students, they had rigged this particular machine to dispense random prizes and treats instead of just soda.

Over two days, hidden cameras captured the genuinely surprised reactions as people received gifts like pizza, flowers, and sunglasses from what they thought was a normal vending slot. Their sheer delight and confusion were shared on the video.

Rather than commercials, Coca-Cola created this unadvertised stunt to spontaneously spread joy among youth. By covertly infiltrating their daily caffeinating routines with moments of encouragement, the brand illustrated its role in bringing people together over simple pleasures.

6. Swiggy’s Cheeky Tweets

During one of Shah Rukh Khan’s online question sessions with fans, someone asked if he had eaten. SRK playfully replied joking that maybe the person was from Swiggy food delivery service, offering to send him a meal.

Known for their funny tweets, Swiggy responded with humor to SRK’s message, playing along that yes they were from Swiggy asking if they should deliver something.

And in a creative move, Swiggy actually followed through by sending food from 7 different executives to the famous actor’s home!

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7. Glossier

Glossier is a beauty brand that’s very clever with social media. Instead of ads, they send free products to famous Instagram users first. These influencers can then post honest reviews and share photos using #glossier for others to see.

Image Courtesy: Glossier Instagram

This strategy works really well for Glossier. A big 90% of how people find out about the brand is from word-of-mouth on sites like Instagram. That means customers are learning from friends, not paid promotions.

By connecting with influencers people already trust, Glossier allows the excitement to spread naturally. It’s low-pressure marketing letting customers make their own choices.

8. Blinkit’s Collab With Zomato

These food companies collaborated on an unusual outdoor ad campaign. They took a famous dialogue from a popular Bollywood movie and playfully changed the words.

One billboard for grocery delivery service Blinkit said “Doodh mangoge, doodh denge” (“Ask for milk and we will deliver it”). The other for Zomato promised “Kheer mangoge, kheer denge” (“Ask for kheer and we will deliver it”).

By tapping into a nostalgic movie reference locals would recognize, the campaign spread fun remixes of the dialogue on the street.

9. Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin’ is very smart with how they use Instagram. Instead of just advertisements, they post beautiful colorful photos related to current events.

Whether it’s a holiday, TV show, or trending topic, Dunkin’ finds creative ways to include doughnuts and coffee in their pictures. The visually appealing photos attract a lot of attention.

They understand the power of visuals. No matter what they’re selling, Dunkin’ constantly shares high-quality food images that make people want to like and comment.

This guerrilla approach gets people engaging with the brand through fun posts, not boring ads. Fans end up spreading Dunkin’s message organically through all the sharing.

10. #FevikwikStars

Fevikwik noticed many people feel bad when they accidentally break things. Instead of judging, they wanted to celebrate these “Fevikwik Stars” through a video series.

The funny clips showed real-life situations like dropping a phone, followed by people fixing it proudly with Fevikwik. This sent the message that mistakes happen to all, but together we can “Repair what was broken.”

By encouraging users to share their clumsy videos and stand a chance to win exciting prizes, Fevikwik spreads an inclusive message of acceptance in an enjoyable way. It represented their brand of repairing items without stigma.

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11. Jeep’s Guerrilla Marketing Strategy

In 2007, Jeep ran a sneaky promotion painting fake parking spaces on streets in Copenhagen, Denmark. They designed the spots to look like only Jeep vehicles could fit.

guerrilla marketing ideas

The markings said “Jeep Parking Only” to confuse people. This got locals talking and trying to figure out if the spaces were real.

Through this discreet disruption of the streetscape, Jeep raised awareness for their cars’ off-road abilities in a fun way. It worked better than regular ads would.

By creating an unusual situation for crowds to discover, Jeep infiltrated the city cleverly.

12. Nike- JUST DO IT

When doing guerrilla marketing, it’s important the promotion matches the company’s main message or image.

Nike is known for their “Just Do It” motto about pushing yourself. Their sneaky bench stunt fits this perfectly.

guerrilla marketing ideas

By sculpting workout positions for people to try, Nike encouraged activity in public without ads. This embodied their brand goal of inspiring movement.

Because the activation stuck to Nike’s character of motivating fitness, it worked well.

13. Maybelline’s Sky High Mascara Promotion

Maybelline promoted its Sky High mascara in an inventive, attention-grabbing guerrilla marketing campaign. Giant false lashes were placed on London’s trains and buses as if they were swiped with mascara.

Huge spoolie wands peeked out from buildings and tube posters, poised to comb through the transit’s lashes. This cinematic stunt generated buzz for Sky High mascara. It helped make the product a hit among beauty enthusiasts and earned praise for its creative vision.

That was one Sky High Guerrilla Marketing Idea!!

14. Myntra’s GoForIt

Myntra actively engages with its users through YouTube videos and in 2022, it came up with a 10-second video titled “Myntra X Samantha – Go For It” featuring famous actress Samantha. This video alone has 442 million views on YouTube and the series “Go For It” is absolutely viral with the audience.

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15. Bournvita’s Faith Not Force

For Children’s Day, Cadbury Bournvita launched a thoughtful awareness initiative called #FaithNotForce.

Through videos and messages, the campaign gently encouraged parents to notice each child’s unique strengths and interests, rather than pushing preset career paths.

By addressing unfair pressures sometimes placed on kids, Bournvita started important discussions about allowing individuals to choose their own path. All the videos in this series had millions of views showing the love and appreciation the brand received.

16. Oreo India’s “SayItWithOreo

They set up a discreet website asking users to anonymously submit questions. Celeb Farhan Akhtar then recorded personal video responses.

By covertly addressing sensitive topics through a star, Oreo lets folks find understanding safely. It was a thoughtful way to support communities experiencing difficulty communicating. The videos in this series have a total of 85 million views in just 1 month.

17. Korea Ginseng Corp

Korea Ginseng Corp (KGC) launched an eye-catching guerrilla marketing campaign across the United States this July to generate buzz for its new beverage product, HSW.

guerrilla marketing ideas

The campaign kicked off in Times Square with a splashy billboard featuring Korean American actors Arden Cho and Kieu Chin. This unexpected promotion in the heart of NYC instantly grabbed public attention.

It continued through an innovative relay activation that started at the K-week event in Rockefeller Center showcasing traditional Korean games. Attendees were introduced to HSW and encouraged to start conversations about the drink on social media.

18. Redbull’s Epic Jump

In 2012, extreme sports athlete Felix Baumgartner accomplished a major milestone by skydiving over 128,000 feet above the Earth. Red Bull sponsored this bold Stratos project. This is the most unique guerrilla marketing idea you will ever see a brand pull off.

By covertly cultivating a record-breaking real-life spectacle seen live by millions worldwide, Red Bull transported awareness of their image to grand new heights.

Through stealth support of this daring deed, Red Bull showed their brand fuels fearless adventures. All without intrusive ads, just the infectious excitement spread from such a headline-grabbing human achievement.

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19. Smile With Lay’s, Smile Deke Dekho

By using charming celebrities, Ranbir and Alia, Lays spread the idea that smiles come in many “flavors” and their packs having that smiling face can help connect us beyond boundaries.

You can also smile the lay’s way by looking at this cute guerrilla marketing idea.

20. Honda #FitWhatever

Honda came up with an eye-grabbing idea to highlight the ample boot space they provided in their new car in 2015. They created a funnel with all the items people carry when they go on a vacation and gave the impression that their car can fit all of them at once.

guerrilla marketing ideas

21. Mini’s Giant Packaging Boxes

MINI launched an ingenious guerrilla marketing idea shortly after Christmas in Amsterdam to highlight its brand in a creative way. They strategically placed massive cardboard boxes resembling gift wrapping scattered across the city’s trash heaps and public areas. Each box displayed a large printed image of a MINI Cooper car on the outside, as if a life-sized vehicle was packaged inside.

guerrilla marketing ideas

This surprising outdoor stunt immediately piqued public curiosity and attention. Passersby reacted with amusement when they encountered what looked like oversized presents haphazardly abandoned after the holidays. MINI captured these reactions on video as part of the campaign.

guerrilla marketing ideas

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22. Colgate’s Unique Reminder

During Oral Health Month, Colgate’s team had fun delivering their message. Instead of just talking about teeth, they gave kids ice cream treats.

guerrilla marketing ideas

But at the end of these frozen snacks was a special surprise – a popsicle shaped like a toothbrush reminding kids “Don’t Forget!” to brush later.

By disguising dental care instructions as part of an enjoyable snack, Colgate spread awareness sneakily. Kids learned the importance of brushing while having fun with friends too.

23. Tyskie Beer Door Handles

guerrilla marketing ideas

Tyskie Brewery launched a clever promotion in Poland in 2009. Instead of advertising normally, they discreetly placed beer mug stickers on bar doors.

By blending their branding onto everyday surfaces customers interacted with regularly, Tyskie raised awareness sneakily. As people opened doors, the stickers caught their eyes and minds.

The eye-catching stickers proved a creative way to promote brand recognition in busy public spaces. Tyskie showed how guerrilla tactics can spread a message with ease.

24. Frontline’s Floor Ad

Frontline spread their flea and tick message in a large public space by filling the entire floor with an impressive image.

guerrilla marketing ideas

By discretely creating a giant piece of art within busy pedestrian traffic, they knew many eyes would discover it naturally from above too.

This subtle yet eye-catching mural featured a dog surrounded by insects without interrupting the flow. As people passed above, their curiosity grew towards the creative disruption below.

25. GoldToe’s Giant Briefs

Let’s appreciate Gold Toe’s creative introduction of new underwear and t-shirt lines during NYFW.

guerrilla marketing ideas

Instead of ads, they discreetly displayed samples of famous city statues, including the iconic Wall Street Bull. In a fun, friendly disruption, Gold Toe brought fashion to familiar sites.

They also placed creatively shaped poster cut-outs to continue the campaign’s on-street advertising.

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26. Carlo & Co. Letchworth

This barber shop took the use of car stickers to another level of marketing. Their sticker is a sure-shot candidate to make it to this list of guerrilla marketing ideas. Low cost but highly eye-catching and effective.

guerrilla marketing ideas

27. Mr. Clean On The Crosswalks

By painting one of the stripes of a busy crosswalk bright white, Mr. Clean made sure that the advert catches the eyes of the commuters crossing the road. I have no idea about the impact it made on the sales, but it did grab attention for sure.

guerrilla marketing ideas

28. Duracell’s Clever Stickers

Duracell came up with a clever viral marketing idea. It showed how bright the flashlight beams are when powered by Duracell batteries. The brilliantly placed sticker made it seem like the Duracell flashlight is lighting up a bus’s headlights.

guerrilla marketing ideas

It’s a simple but useful way to show people that Duracell batteries can be used for more than just flashlights during blackouts.

29. The Fiji Water Girl

guerrilla marketing ideas

At the 2019 Golden Globe Awards, Fiji Water was serving sparkling water to the elite invitees at the event. Interestingly, one of their serving staff was photobombed in many celebrity pics which caught everyone’s attention. The girl as well as the brand became viral overnight. A guerrilla marketing idea completely worth it thanks to the waitress who grabbed the opportunity in the best possible manner.

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30. Redbull Part 2

Redbull is a master when it comes to implementing these guerrilla marketing ideas. In its initial days, when the brand didn’t have much of sales, Redbull made a very interesting move. It filled trash cans near bars, pubs, college campuses, and nightclubs with empty cans of its product which created a hyped image about the sales of the company. And the rest is history. Today Redbull enjoys a market share of over 40% which makes it the largest-selling energy drink brand.

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