Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing – 2024 Comparison

Email marketing vs Social Media Marketing: 2024 Comparison

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Email marketing vs social media marketing – 2024 Comparison. The ultimate guide to choosing your digital marketing strategy. Make your move today, learn new trends, and maximize your impact!

Marketing expenditures are tactics are increasing as more and more avenues become available to contact customers online. But more is not necessarily better, particularly if you don’t know which type of marketing is helping you and how. Let’s consider two specific channels: email marketing and social media marketing. As a business, it is an important decision to make. It is not mandatory to use just one channel. You can blend them and distribute your content accordingly. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

In this article, we will compare these two channels, their effectiveness and pros and cons. Our blog will assist you understand which strategy is better for your business.

Let’s go!

What is Email Marketing?

The method of sending updates or promotional emails to a list of people is referred to as email marketing. It is a tried-and-tested strategy for businesses to stay in touch with their customers. Email marketing is a direct marketing type in which audiences are reached using electronic mail. It can broadly be defined as any email sent to a prospective or existing customer.

In 2020, the global email marketing market was valued at 7.5 billion U.S. dollars and the source projected that the figure would increase to 17.9 billion by 2027.

Email marketing is an effective online marketing tactic that uses emails to maintain relationships with current and new customers, increase revenue, and produce more qualified leads. Transactional emails and newsletters are common email formats used by businesses. For example, you might send your customers a campaign featuring the most recent blog posts or a seasonal promotion. Additionally, segmentation and automation in email marketing allow marketers to create customized experiences for customers, whether they are current or potential.

Merits and Demerits of Email Marketing


Increases Conversion Rates

Research states that email marketing results in increased conversion rates. This is explained by the fact that the receivers have already shown they are interested in the business by signing up for their email list.

Easy Audience Targeting

Email marketing helps target specific audience segments for your business. It allows companies to divide their customer base according to characteristics like demographics, engagement levels, buyer’s journey stages, or past purchases. As a result, more targeted and appropriate communication is possible.

Clear and Customized Communication

Email marketing allows companies to speak directly with their customers. Customization options like dynamic content and merge tags allow you to adjust the message based on the recipient’s interests and actions.


Needs Constant Maintenance

Email marketing calls for constant work to have an active and clean email list. Developing interest content, maintaining email deliverability, and cleaning lists on a regular basis are all critical duties that must be carried out effectively.

Can be Viewed as Annoying

Although some customers find it useful to get promotional emails from companies they are interested in, others could find it bothersome. They might even report emails as spam. The sender’s deliverability and reputation may suffer.

Possibility of Low Click-Through and Open Rates

Customers get a swarm of emails on a daily basis. It becomes difficult for a business to be seen. One of the common problems email marketers have is low click-through and open rates.

Did you Know?
– The most effective strategies for email marketing campaigns are subscriber segmentation (78%), message personalization (72%), and email automation campaigns (71%). (HubSpot Blog Research, 2021)
– 87% of the brands say that email marketing is very critical to business success. (Litmus, 2023)
– The average email delivery rate is 85.7% (Email Tool Tester, 2023)
– 55% of emails are opened on mobile devices. (eMarketer, 2023)

What is Social Media Marketing?

Using social media platforms to increase brand awareness and lead generation is referred to as social media marketing, or SMM. SMM works to provide content that people will want to share with their social networks, allowing businesses to reach a wider audience and build their brand.

The most popular social media platforms include Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X. But there are a ton of other social networking sites available. Social media is a place where new trends emerge every day; therefore, businesses need to stay updated. Social media not only helps them remain up-to-date, but it is also an ideal chance to interact with both present and potential customers.

There are 4.89 billion social network users worldwide.

Social media involves creating and sharing content, interacting with customers to build relationships and running paid ads to generate leads.

Merits and Demerits of Social Media Marketing


Increased Brand Awareness

Social media gives businesses a way to interact with their followers and customers. They can leave comments, share, and send direct messages. By showing the company’s values and mission, unique selling proposition, and brand identity, it helps increase brand awareness.

Measurable and Economical

Social media marketing proves to be an economical choice. Various social media platforms include advertising choices that let companies define a spending limit and monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Reach Wider Audience

With billions of consumers actively using social media platforms, businesses have access to a potentially wider audience. Additionally, social media content sharing makes it simpler for companies to go viral and expand their audience.


Crowded and Competitive Space

Millions of companies are fighting for attention on social media, creating a loud and competitive atmosphere. It can become difficult to stand out and get noticed. This is true for small businesses that have budget constraints.

Constantly Changing Algorithms

Social media companies are well-known for their regular algorithm changes, which affect the visibility of business content. Businesses may need to spend money on sponsored advertising to gain visibility if their organic reach declines.

Less Control over Content

Social media platforms have certain restrictions, in contrast to email marketing. These platforms could impose restrictions on particular types of content. They also have limited options for targeting.

Did you Know?
– The average person spends 145 minutes on social media everyday. (Forbes)
– The ad spend on social media worldwide is 269 billion U.S. dollars. (Statista)
– Instagram offers the highest ROI for selling products. (HubSpot)
– 41% of Gen Z and Millennials make an impulse purchase online every 2-3 weeks. (GWI)

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Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing

FeatureEmail MarketingSocial Media Marketing
EmailSocial media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X etc.
Direct, personalized messagesBroadcast messages to broader audience
Generally longer, allows detailed contentShorter messages, often limited by character count
Highly targeted based on subscriber listsTargeted based on demographics, interests, and behavior
High assurance of message deliveryDependent on algorithms and user engagement
Full control over content and formattingLimited control due to platform restrictions
InteractivityLimited interactivityHigh interactivity (likes, comments, shares)
CostCan be cost-effective, especially for large listsCosts can vary, including paid advertising and content creation
RetentionGenerally higher retention ratesContent can be fleeting, requiring consistent posting
Easier to track conversions and ROIVaried tracking options, often dependent on platform analytics
Risk of being marked as spam if not carefully managedLess likely to be marked as spam, but algorithms can affect reach
PersonalizationHighly customizable with personalization tokensPersonalization is often based on user behavior and
Suitable for all stages of the sales funnelPrimarily used for awareness and engagement stages
Effective for lead nurturing and relationship buildingQuick engagement but may require ongoing efforts
Collects explicit data through sign-ups and preferencesGathers implicit data based on user interactions
Needs to be optimized for mobile devicesPlatforms are inherently mobile-friendly
Often provides long-term value through subscriber relationshipsImmediate impact but requires consistent effort for sustained results
Keep in mind that the effectiveness of each marketing method can vary based on factors such as industry, target audience, and specific marketing goals. Both Email and Social Media Marketing can complement each other when integrated into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

Learn more:

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: A Detailed Comparison

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Users

Email Marketing Perspective

Email users are higher in number than social media users. Most people check their emails first thing in the morning. They also check their emails multiple times a day, providing many opportunities for engagement. Subscribers voluntarily sign in for emails, which indicates a higher quality of leads that are potentially more receptive to your messages.

Social Media Marketing Perspective

Social media platforms have billions of active users. Social media users have diverse engagement patterns. People check their feeds multiple times a day, while some visit less frequently. Also, users have the option to follow and unfollow brands and businesses, so they may not want to engage with your business.

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Reach

Email Marketing Perspective

The people who subscribe to your emails are already interested in finding out more about your business and the products or services you offer. Reaching them with discounts, promo codes, and other offers is more likely to be effective.

Social Media Marketing Perspective

Social media gives access to a wider audience and an infinite stream of prospective customers. But this also brings a lot of competition. It can be challenging to sort through the crowd on social media platforms because every business is using them. Therefore, your content should be relatable and leave a bigger impact on the people who see it. Using hashtags can help broaden your audience.

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Conversion Rate

Email Marketing Perspective

Email marketing helps increase the conversion rate because recipients of your emails are more inclined to buy your products or services. Your receivers voluntarily agreed to receive information about your business, its products, and services. There are more factors that contribute to email marketing’s effectiveness, such as customer segment lists, and customization, and you can send customized messages to your customers or receivers based on their past buying behavior.

Social Media Marketing Perspective

Social media’s ability to raise conversion rates is not always consistent. Users may follow or become fans of your company, but that does not imply that they are qualified leads and would buy your products or services.

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Cost and ROI

Email Marketing Perspective

It is more affordable to use email marketing than other digital marketing methods. Businesses may increase their ROI using automated features and cost-effective email marketing software.

Social Media Marketing Perspective

For social media marketing, paid advertising is necessary to compensate for the drop in organic reach. Effective targeting choices can help produce a favorable ROI for your business.

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Engagement

Email Marketing Perspective

Email marketing generates engagement, but generally to a lesser extent. The primary indicator of engagement is open rates, but it can also be the quantity of readers that click through from the email to your website. You can try using attention-grabbing subject lines in your emails to try to increase open rates. Add interactive features to your emails. Encourage readers to click over and engage with you on your website. Adding customization is another approach to increasing email engagement.

Social Media Marketing Perspective

Posts on social media can also encourage people to visit your website and interact with your brand or company even more. With this kind of marketing, you can provide a variety of content, such as interactive products, to lure visitors and establish a relationship that will encourage them to return to your social media feed. Posts have the tendency to go viral, which raises the possibility of even more exposure and engagement.

For example: GoPro shares UGC content to catch their audience’s attention.

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing: Conclusion

To guarantee the success of your marketing plan, you need to use a range of platforms, networks, and channels. Incorporate a blend of email marketing and social media marketing. Reaching a wider audience base, increasing conversion rates, and driving more traffic to your website all depend on figuring out the best combination of these for your company. The combination of email and social media marketing helps increase the effectiveness of the business and establish long-term relationships with your customers. While email helps you generate conversions, social media helps your brand engage and attract new customers.


Which is better email marketing or social media marketing?

Email marketing is excellent for establishing relationships with existing clients. Social media marketing can help increase brand awareness with new customers. Choosing which approach to prioritize will help you create a more customized and successful plan for a business.

Is email marketing still relevant in 2023?

Email marketing is reliable and affordable. It gives businesses control and continues to be one of the most popular marketing methods. It offers businesses greater control over their messaging and reach because it is an owned media channel.

What is the ROI of email marketing vs social media?

Email marketing often yields a far better return on investment. It is reported that email created $36 for every $1 invested, which is an outstanding 3600% ROI. On the other hand, social media is predicted to yield a $2.80 ROI for every $1 invested.

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