LinkedIn Taps AI to Make Recruiting Easier

LinkedIn's Recruiter platform now uses AI to help recruiters find better candidates by suggesting enhanced search strings and results.

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Recruiters can now use more natural, conversational language when searching for candidates on LinkedIn. AI helps expand results.

AI looks beyond just keywords to understand the full context of recruiters' searches to surface wider, more relevant results.

LinkedIn Learning is adding an AI coach to provide personalized learning recommendations and advice to improve soft skills.

LinkedIn's new Accelerate uses AI to make it easier for marketers to run effective campaigns within LinkedIn's platform.

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LinkedIn's new AI sales features help users identify and initiate conversations with promising B2B leads in their networks.

AI powers many backend functions at LinkedIn like connections and insights. Now it's being leveraged in front-facing products.

LinkedIn is tapping into parent company Microsoft's investment in AI leader OpenAI to power many of these new features.

While LinkedIn builds some of its own AI, expect closer Microsoft and OpenAI integrations for AI-powered products ahead.

LinkedIn joins other tech companies in making AI a core part of its products as the technology becomes mainstream.

LinkedIn continues its evolution, using the latest AI to reshape recruiting and other business functions on its platform.