10 Advanced SEO Skills To Level Up Your Career

Level Up as an SEO Pro

Here we covers 10 advanced skills that can help take your SEO career to the next level. Read on to learn how developing expertise in these areas can open new doors.

1. Intent Analysis

Deeply understand search intent and the psychology behind user queries. This allows you to create content that satisfies needs and ranks for relevant searches.

Image Credit: Semrush

2. Content Writing

Learn the full content creation process including researching, writing, and editing. This allows you to produce high quality SEO copy and brief writers effectively.

3. Reporting

Communicate your work and results clearly through contextualized data, dashboards, and visualizations. This enables stakeholders to understand the impact and make decisions.

4. Forecasting

Estimate likely outcomes and ranges for your efforts. This allows you to set reasonable expectations when requesting budgets and resources.

5. Coding

Know the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This allows you to identify technical issues on sites, communicate with developers, write schema, and automate processes.

Image Credit: Canva

6. Server Management

Understand how factors like location, uptime, and status codes impact site performance and crawlability. This enables you to spot and address server-related problems.

7. Log File Analysis

Review site access and crawler data through log files. Draw actionable conclusions to guide your optimization strategy and identify site issues.

Image Credit: Screaming Frog

8. Website Migrations

Migrations require planning, communication, processes, and technical skills. Firsthand experience is invaluable for building expertise.

9. Other Search Engines

Optimize for other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo to expand reach. Understand their unique algorithms.

10. International SEO

Consider multi-region structure, translation, localization and more. It's complex but critical for global growth.

Image Credit: Canva

Level Up Your SEO Career

Develop these advanced skills to maximize opportunities, increase your competency and stand out.